Cullen, Scotland from my view…

An attempt to locate the land of our ancestors has led us to a stay in the quaint town of Cullen, Scotland, which is composed of two distinct parts:Cullen-1110084e1) Sandwiched between the sea wall on one side and the curve of the main road on the other is the fishing village, Seatown of Cullen, a unique collection of a couple hundred stone fishermen’s cottages.


2) The “inland” side of Cullen, sometimes referred to as “New Cullen,” stretches up a grand and impressive main street that continues from Seatown under the most easterly of the three railway viaducts.


I’m glad the window washer has another man holding his ladder sturdy as it appears to be propped on an old stone wall. I might be inclined to own a window washing device like this, but I’d probably hit the power line and electrocute myself. Clean windows are not worth all that!

Cullen was established by 1189 on a location about half a mile inland from where you find it today, marked on maps as “Old Cullen” and close to Cullen House, which we were able to locate while following one of the walking trails near town.


Oh-oh… whoops! (At least we didn’t pick any flowers and don’t have a dog.)

Cullen’s wealth in the 1700s was built on textiles, and thread-making; the main period of growth came with the herring boom in the 1800s.


The impressive Cullen railroad viaduct was built in the year 1884 and is now a bicycle path.

Cullen-1110086eNew Cullen and Seatown of Cullen were built in the 1820s, the latter close to the pier built by Thomas Telford in 1819.  ~Undiscovered Scotland

Below is a slide show of our walks around Cullen, Scotland where you’ll find the most beautiful sunsets.

…still more to explore in Cullen, Scotland so stay tuned!

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